Roof and wall gardens are becoming a new trend(if you can afford it)but what a great alternative. The look on the walls can vary and you can create Zen gardens on your roof. Which if you live in the city and you don't have a front or back yard then to the roof you should go if you would like a peaceful area of grass to take your shoes off walk on.
Elt Living Walls
The Benefits of Green Roofs and Living Walls
Green roofs and living walls provide a number of private and public benefits that reduce the impact of urbanization and contribute to the sustainability of ecosystem services and energy conservation in large cities around the world.
Depending on the plants and depth of growing medium, these benefits can include:
Decreasing Storm Water Runoff
Capable of retaining 60 to 100% of water during a rain event
Improving Thermal Performance
Heat flow through the roofing system is reduced by 70-90% in the summer and 10-30% in the winter.
Increasing Sound Insulation, And Protection of the Roof Membranes
Vegetation, growth medium, and trapped air can increase the effectiveness of building sound insulation by absorbing or reflecting sound frequencies.
Increasing Aesthetics, Public Relations and Recreational Green Space
Are an easy and effective way of beautifying the built environment, increasing aesthetic value and functionality. The sight, sounds, smells, colors, and movement of plants contribute considerably to human health and well being, reducing stress and elicits a relaxed state of mind
Reducing the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHI)
Vegetation mitigates the
UHI but by warming the air less; vegetation reflects solar radiation that would otherwise be absorbed by roof surfaces. If only 6% of Toronto’s roofs were covered with a green roof would reduce regional energy demand by up to 5-10%, saving more than $1 million in annual energy costs
Improving Air Quality and Reducing Airborne Particulates
Green plants capture airborne pollution in two ways: absorption or by adhering to the leaf or stem surface. Green roofs and living walls can complement, and in some cases, almost equal the capacity of removing pollutants as existing trees. Increasing soil depth and plant coverage influence the amount of CO2 and other airborne particulates captured; intensive green roofs reduce pollution more than extensive green roofs.
Sustaining Biodiversity
Urban wildlife and insects use and inhabit Green Roofs and Living Walls in the urban landscape; promoting important ecological functions such as pollination, decomposition, and pest control.